File: connected-users-websocket/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/lib/utils.js

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  Classes of Igor Escobar   Terminal Crossword   connected-users-websocket/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/lib/utils.js   Download  
File: connected-users-websocket/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/lib/utils.js
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: Terminal Crossword
Generate a crosswords board on a text console
Author: By
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Date: 2 years ago
Size: 7,246 bytes


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/*! * Connect - utils * Copyright(c) 2010 Sencha Inc. * Copyright(c) 2011 TJ Holowaychuk * MIT Licensed */ /** * Module dependencies. */ var http = require('http') , crypto = require('crypto') , parse = require('url').parse , signature = require('cookie-signature'); /** * Extract the mime type from the given request's * _Content-Type_ header. * * @param {IncomingMessage} req * @return {String} * @api private */ exports.mime = function(req) { var str = req.headers['content-type'] || ''; return str.split(';')[0]; }; /** * Generate an `Error` from the given status `code` * and optional `msg`. * * @param {Number} code * @param {String} msg * @return {Error} * @api private */ exports.error = function(code, msg){ var err = new Error(msg || http.STATUS_CODES[code]); err.status = code; return err; }; /** * Return md5 hash of the given string and optional encoding, * defaulting to hex. * * utils.md5('wahoo'); * // => "e493298061761236c96b02ea6aa8a2ad" * * @param {String} str * @param {String} encoding * @return {String} * @api private */ exports.md5 = function(str, encoding){ return crypto .createHash('md5') .update(str) .digest(encoding || 'hex'); }; /** * Merge object b with object a. * * var a = { foo: 'bar' } * , b = { bar: 'baz' }; * * utils.merge(a, b); * // => { foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz' } * * @param {Object} a * @param {Object} b * @return {Object} * @api private */ exports.merge = function(a, b){ if (a && b) { for (var key in b) { a[key] = b[key]; } } return a; }; /** * Escape the given string of `html`. * * @param {String} html * @return {String} * @api private */ exports.escape = function(html){ return String(html) .replace(/&(?!\w+;)/g, '&amp;') .replace(/</g, '&lt;') .replace(/>/g, '&gt;') .replace(/"/g, '&quot;'); }; /** * Return a unique identifier with the given `len`. * * utils.uid(10); * // => "FDaS435D2z" * * @param {Number} len * @return {String} * @api private */ exports.uid = function(len) { return crypto.randomBytes(Math.ceil(len * 3 / 4)) .toString('base64') .slice(0, len); }; /** * Sign the given `val` with `secret`. * * @param {String} val * @param {String} secret * @return {String} * @api private */ exports.sign = function(val, secret){ console.warn('do not use utils.sign(), use') return val + '.' + crypto .createHmac('sha256', secret) .update(val) .digest('base64') .replace(/=+$/, ''); }; /** * Unsign and decode the given `val` with `secret`, * returning `false` if the signature is invalid. * * @param {String} val * @param {String} secret * @return {String|Boolean} * @api private */ exports.unsign = function(val, secret){ console.warn('do not use utils.unsign(), use') var str = val.slice(0, val.lastIndexOf('.')); return exports.sign(str, secret) == val ? str : false; }; /** * Parse signed cookies, returning an object * containing the decoded key/value pairs, * while removing the signed key from `obj`. * * @param {Object} obj * @return {Object} * @api private */ exports.parseSignedCookies = function(obj, secret){ var ret = {}; Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(key){ var val = obj[key]; if (0 == val.indexOf('s:')) { val = signature.unsign(val.slice(2), secret); if (val) { ret[key] = val; delete obj[key]; } } }); return ret; }; /** * Parse a signed cookie string, return the decoded value * * @param {String} str signed cookie string * @param {String} secret * @return {String} decoded value * @api private */ exports.parseSignedCookie = function(str, secret){ return 0 == str.indexOf('s:') ? signature.unsign(str.slice(2), secret) : str; }; /** * Parse JSON cookies. * * @param {Object} obj * @return {Object} * @api private */ exports.parseJSONCookies = function(obj){ Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(key){ var val = obj[key]; var res = exports.parseJSONCookie(val); if (res) obj[key] = res; }); return obj; }; /** * Parse JSON cookie string * * @param {String} str * @return {Object} Parsed object or null if not json cookie * @api private */ exports.parseJSONCookie = function(str) { if (0 == str.indexOf('j:')) { try { return JSON.parse(str.slice(2)); } catch (err) { // no op } } }; /** * Pause `data` and `end` events on the given `obj`. * Middleware performing async tasks _should_ utilize * this utility (or similar), to re-emit data once * the async operation has completed, otherwise these * events may be lost. * * var pause = utils.pause(req); * fs.readFile(path, function(){ * next(); * pause.resume(); * }); * * @param {Object} obj * @return {Object} * @api private */ exports.pause = require('pause'); /** * Strip `Content-*` headers from `res`. * * @param {ServerResponse} res * @api private */ exports.removeContentHeaders = function(res){ Object.keys(res._headers).forEach(function(field){ if (0 == field.indexOf('content')) { res.removeHeader(field); } }); }; /** * Check if `req` is a conditional GET request. * * @param {IncomingMessage} req * @return {Boolean} * @api private */ exports.conditionalGET = function(req) { return req.headers['if-modified-since'] || req.headers['if-none-match']; }; /** * Respond with 401 "Unauthorized". * * @param {ServerResponse} res * @param {String} realm * @api private */ exports.unauthorized = function(res, realm) { res.statusCode = 401; res.setHeader('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="' + realm + '"'); res.end('Unauthorized'); }; /** * Respond with 304 "Not Modified". * * @param {ServerResponse} res * @param {Object} headers * @api private */ exports.notModified = function(res) { exports.removeContentHeaders(res); res.statusCode = 304; res.end(); }; /** * Return an ETag in the form of `"<size>-<mtime>"` * from the given `stat`. * * @param {Object} stat * @return {String} * @api private */ exports.etag = function(stat) { return '"' + stat.size + '-' + Number(stat.mtime) + '"'; }; /** * Parse the given Cache-Control `str`. * * @param {String} str * @return {Object} * @api private */ exports.parseCacheControl = function(str){ var directives = str.split(',') , obj = {}; for(var i = 0, len = directives.length; i < len; i++) { var parts = directives[i].split('=') , key = parts.shift().trim() , val = parseInt(parts.shift(), 10); obj[key] = isNaN(val) ? true : val; } return obj; }; /** * Parse the `req` url with memoization. * * @param {ServerRequest} req * @return {Object} * @api private */ exports.parseUrl = function(req){ var parsed = req._parsedUrl; if (parsed && parsed.href == req.url) { return parsed; } else { return req._parsedUrl = parse(req.url); } }; /** * Parse byte `size` string. * * @param {String} size * @return {Number} * @api private */ exports.parseBytes = require('bytes');