File: tests/d-common-specific.js

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File: tests/d-common-specific.js
Role: Unit test script
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Description: Unit test script
Class: D.js
Evaluate asynchronous conditions using promises
Author: By
Last change: Update of tests/d-common-specific.js
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 21,024 bytes


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/*global describe, it*/ /*jshint -W024, -W101*/ "use strict"; var expect = require('chai').expect; var resolvedCount=0, rejectedCount=0; function resetCounters(){ resolvedCount=0; rejectedCount=0; } function resolve(){ resolvedCount++;} function reject(){ rejectedCount++;} function isPromise(p){ return ('then' in p) && (p.then instanceof Function); } function getTime(){ return (new Date()).getTime(); } function plus(a){ return a+a;} module.exports = function(D){ describe('D methods', function(){ describe('D.fulfilled', function(){ it('should have an alias D.resolve method',function(){ expect(D.fulfilled).to.eql(D.resolved); }); it('should return a promise which have to be fulfilled async', function(done){ var res = D.fulfilled('test'),async=false; expect(isPromise(res)); expect(res.isPending()); res.then(function(res){ expect(async); expect(res).to.equal("test"); done(); }).rethrow(); async=true; }); it('which should be fulfilled with given value', function(done){ var res = D.fulfilled('test'); res.then(function(value){ expect(value).to.equal("test"); done(); }).rethrow(); }); }); describe('D.rejected', function(){ it('should return a promise which have to be rejected async', function(done){ var res = D.rejected('test'),async=false; expect(res)'then'); expect(res.isPending()); res.then(null, function(){ expect(async); done(); }).rethrow(); async=true; }); it('which should be rejected with given reason', function(done){ var res = D.rejected('test'); res.then(null, function(reason){ expect(reason).to.equal("test"); done(); }).rethrow(); }); }); describe('D.wait',function(){ var start, p; this.timeout(300); it('should return a promise', function(){ start = getTime(); p = D.wait(150).success(function(){ return getTime(); }).rethrow(); expect(isPromise(p)); }); it('which should not be resolved before the time passed', function(done){ setTimeout(function(){ expect(p.isPending()); done(); },50); }); it('and should be resolved after the time passed', function(done){ setTimeout(function(){ expect(p.isPending()); expect(p.getStatus()).to.equal(1); p.success(function(end){ expect(end - start); }).rethrow(); done(); },151); }); }); describe('D.delay',function(){ var start, p, endPromise; this.timeout(300); it('should return a promise', function(){ start = getTime(); p = D.delay(function(){ return 'done';}, 150); expect(isPromise(p)); endPromise = p.success(function(){ return getTime(); }).rethrow(); }); it('which should not be resolved before the time passed', function(done){ setTimeout(function(){ expect(p.isPending()); done(); },100); }); it('and should be resolved after the delay is passed with fn return value', function(done){ setTimeout(function(){ expect(p.isPending()); expect(p.getStatus()).to.equal(1); p.success(function(res){ expect(res).to.equal('done'); }).rethrow(); endPromise.success(function(end){ expect(end - start); }).rethrow(); done(); },151); }); it('or should be resolved after the delay is passed with fn as a direct value', function(done){ var p = D.delay('ok',100); setTimeout(function(){ expect(p.isPending()); },50); setTimeout(function(){ expect(p.isPending()); done(); },110); p.then(function(res){ expect(res).to.eql('ok'); }); }); }); describe('D.promisify',function(){ it('if passed a promise should return the same promise object', function(){ var d = D(), p = d.promise; expect(D.promisify(p)).to.equal(p); }); it('should return a promise of passed value if not a promise', function(done){ var p = D.promisify('ok'); expect(isPromise(p)); p.success(function(res){ expect(res).to.equal('ok'); done(); }).rethrow(); }); }); describe('D.nodeCapsule',function(){ var nodeStyleFn = function(){ var args = [].slice.apply(arguments), cb = args.pop(); if( args[0] === false){ args = ['error']; }else{ args.splice(0,0,undefined); } cb.apply(undefined, args); }; var nodeCapsuled = D.nodeCapsule(nodeStyleFn); it('should transform a typical node async function to return a promise', function(){ expect(isPromise(nodeCapsuled())); }); it('returned promised should resolve with callback single parameter as fulfillment value when there is only one parameter',function(done){ nodeCapsuled(1).success(function(v){ expect(v).to.equal(1); done(); }).rethrow(); }); it('returned promised should resolve with callback list of parameters as fulfillment value when multiple parameters',function(done){ nodeCapsuled(1,2,3).success(function(v){ expect(v).to.eql([1,2,3]); done(); }).rethrow(); }); it('returned promise should be rejected with given error parameter as the reason',function(done){ nodeCapsuled(false,1,2,3).error(function(reason){ expect(reason)'error'); done(); }); }); //@todo describe and test this method }); describe('D.all',function(){ describe('Parameters passing', function(){ it('should accept a single array of promise as parameter', function(done){ D.all([D.fulfilled(1), D.fulfilled(2), D.fulfilled(3)]) .success(function(res){ expect(res).to.eql([1, 2, 3]); done(); }) .rethrow() ; }); it('should accept each promise as parameters', function(done){ D.all(D.fulfilled(1), D.fulfilled(2), D.fulfilled(3)) .success(function(res){ expect(res).to.eql([1, 2, 3]); done(); }) .rethrow() ; }); it('should accept a list with a single promise first parameter', function(done){ D.all([D.fulfilled(1)]) .success(function(res){ expect(res).to.eql([1]); done(); }) .rethrow() ; }); it('should accept a single promise first parameter', function(done){ D.all(D.fulfilled(1)) .success(function(res){ expect(res).to.eql([1]); done(); }) .rethrow() ; }); it('should resolve with an empty list if called without any parameter', function(done){ D.all() .success(function(res){ expect(res).to.eql([]); done(); }) .rethrow() ; }); it('should consider non promise parameters as fullfilled promises', function(done){ D.all(1,2,D.fulfilled(3)) .success(function(res){ expect(res).to.eql([1,2,3]); done(); }) .rethrow() ; }); }); describe("Fulfillment condition and promised resolution",function(){ it('should be resolved when all promised are resolved',function(done){ var p1 = D(), p2=D(), p3=D(); resetCounters(); D.all(p1.promise, p2.promise, p3.promise) .then(function(){ expect(resolvedCount).to.equal(3); expect(rejectedCount).to.equal(0); done(); } ).rethrow(); D.nextTick(function(){ p1.resolve().promise.then(resolve,reject); p2.resolve().promise.then(resolve,reject); p3.resolve().promise.then(resolve,reject); }); }); it('should send all promised resolved value as list to the onFullfilled callback',function(done){ resetCounters(); var p1 = D.fulfilled(1) , p2 = D.fulfilled(2) , p3 = D.fulfilled(3) ; p1.then(resolve,reject); p2.then(resolve,reject); p3.then(resolve,reject); D.all([p1,p2,p3]) .success(function(ps){ expect(resolvedCount).to.equal(3); expect(rejectedCount).to.equal(0); expect(ps)'Array') .to.eql([1,2,3]) ; done(); }) .rethrow() ; }); }); describe("Rejection condition and rejection reason",function(){ it('should be rejected when any promise is rejected',function(done){ var p1 = D(), p2=D(), p3=D(); resetCounters(); D.all(p1.promise, p2.promise, p3.promise).then(null,function(){ expect(resolvedCount).to.equal(2); expect(rejectedCount).to.equal(1); done(); }).rethrow(); D.nextTick(function(){ p1.resolve().promise.then(resolve,reject); p2.reject().promise.then(reject,reject); p3.resolve().promise.then(resolve,reject); }); }); it('should be rejected after first rejection and rejected with that reason even if all promised are not resolved',function(done){ var p1 = D(), p2=D(), p3=D(); D.all(p1.promise, p2.promise, p3.promise).then(null,function(reason){ expect(reason).to.equal("reject 2"); done(); }).rethrow(); D.nextTick(function(){ p2.reject("reject 2"); p1.reject("reject 1"); }); }); }); }); describe('D.resolveAll',function(){ describe('Parameters passing', function(){ it('should accept a single array of promise as parameter', function(done){ var p1 = D.fulfilled(1), p2 = D.fulfilled(2), p3 = D.fulfilled(3); D.resolveAll([p1,p2,p3]) .success(function(res){ for( var i = 0; i < 3; i++ ){ expect(isPromise(res[i])); } expect(res).to.eql([p1,p2,p3]); done(); }) .rethrow() ; }); it('should accept each promise as parameters', function(done){ var p1 = D.fulfilled(1), p2 = D.fulfilled(2), p3 = D.fulfilled(3); D.resolveAll(p1,p2,p3) .success(function(res){ expect(res).to.eql([p1,p2,p3]); done(); }) .rethrow() ; }); it('should accept a list with a single promise first parameter', function(done){ var p = D.fulfilled(1); D.resolveAll([p]) .success(function(res){ expect(isPromise(res[0])); expect(res).to.eql([p]); done(); }) .rethrow() ; }); it('should accept a single promise first parameter', function(done){ var p = D.fulfilled(1); D.resolveAll(p) .success(function(res){ expect(isPromise(res[0])); expect(res).to.eql([p]); done(); }) .rethrow() ; }); it('should resolve with an empty list if called without any parameter', function(done){ D.resolveAll() .success(function(res){ expect(res).to.eql([]); done(); }) .rethrow() ; }); it('should consider non promise parameters as fullfilled promises', function(done){ D.resolveAll(1,2,D.fulfilled(3)) .success(function(res){ expect(isPromise(res[0])); expect(res[0].valueOf()).to.equal(1); expect(isPromise(res[1])); expect(res[1].valueOf()).to.equal(2); expect(isPromise(res[2])); expect(res[2].valueOf()).to.equal(3); done(); }) .rethrow() ; }); }); describe("Fulfillment condition and promised resolution",function(){ it('should be resolved when all promised are resolved',function(done){ var p1 = D(), p2=D(), p3=D(); resetCounters(); D.resolveAll(p1.promise, p2.promise, p3.promise) .then(function(){ expect(resolvedCount).to.equal(3); expect(rejectedCount).to.equal(0); done(); } ).rethrow(); D.nextTick(function(){ p1.resolve().promise.then(resolve,reject); p2.resolve().promise.then(resolve,reject); p3.resolve().promise.then(resolve,reject); }); }); it('should send all promised resolved as list of promised to onFullfilled callback when all promises are fulfilled',function(done){ resetCounters(); var p1 = D.fulfilled(1) , p2 = D.fulfilled(2) , p3 = D.fulfilled(3) ; p1.then(resolve,reject); p2.then(resolve,reject); p3.then(resolve,reject); D.resolveAll([p1,p2,p3]) .success(function(ps){ expect(resolvedCount).to.equal(3); expect(rejectedCount).to.equal(0); expect(ps)'Array') .to.eql([p1,p2,p3]) ; done(); }) .rethrow() ; }); }); describe("Rejection condition and rejection reason",function(){ it('should not be rejected when a promise is rejected',function(done){ var p1 = D(), p2=D(), p3=D(); resetCounters(); D.resolveAll(p1.promise, p2.promise, p3.promise).success(function(res){ expect(isPromise(res[0])); expect(res[0].valueOf()).to.equal(p1.promise); expect(isPromise(res[1])); expect(res[1].valueOf()).to.equal(p2.promise); expect(isPromise(res[2])); expect(res[2].valueOf()).to.equal(p3.promise); expect(resolvedCount).to.equal(1); expect(rejectedCount).to.equal(2); done(); }) .rethrow(); D.nextTick(function(){ p1.reject().promise.then(resolve,reject); p2.resolve().promise.then(resolve,reject); p3.reject().promise.then(resolve,reject); }); }); it('should send all promised resolved as list of promised to onFullfilled callback when all promises are not pending any more',function(done){ var p1 = D(), p2=D(), p3=D(); D.resolveAll(p1.promise, p2.promise, p3.promise).success(function(res){ expect(res[0].getStatus()).to.equal(-1); expect(res[1].getStatus()).to.equal(1); expect(res[2].getStatus()).to.equal(-1); done(); }) .rethrow(); D.nextTick(function(){ p1.reject().promise.then(resolve,reject); p2.resolve().promise.then(resolve,reject); p3.reject().promise.then(resolve,reject); }); }); }); }); describe('D.sequence',function(){ it('should accept a single array of function as parameter', function(done){ D.sequence([function(){ return 1;},plus,plus]) .then(function(res){ expect(res).to.eql(4); done(); }) .rethrow() ; }); it('should accept a single array of function as parameter', function(done){ D.sequence([function(){ return 1;},plus,plus]) .then(function(res){ expect(res).to.eql(4); done(); }) .rethrow() ; }); it('should accept a list of function as parameters', function(done){ D.sequence(function(){ return 1;},plus,plus) .then(function(res){ expect(res).to.eql(4); done(); }) .rethrow() ; }); it('should resolved if no arguments are passed', function(done){ D.sequence() .then(function(){ done(); }) .rethrow() ; }); it('should also accept values or promises instead of functions', function(done){ D.sequence(D.resolved(1), plus, plus) .then(function(res){ expect(res).to.eql(4); D.sequence(1, plus, plus, plus) .then(function(res){ expect(res).to.eql(8); done(); }) .rethrow() ; }) .rethrow() ; }); it('should be rejected if an error is thrown by one of the given function',function(done){ D.sequence(function(){ return 1;}, plus, function(){ throw 'aie';}, plus) .then(null, function(err){ expect(err).to.eql("aie"); done(); }) .rethrow() ; }); it('should execute the sequence in order and pass result to following function',function(done){ D.sequence( function(){ return 1;} , function(res){ expect(res).to.eql(1); return 1; } , D.delay(2,50) , function(res){ expect(res).to.eql(2); return 3; } , function(res){ expect(res).to.eql(3); return 4; } ) .then(function(res){ expect(res).to.eql(4); done(); }) .rethrow() ; }); }); }); describe('Promises',function(){ describe('promise.success',function(){ it('should be resolved with fulfillment value',function(done){ var d = D(); d.resolve('ok'); d.promise.success(function(v){ expect(v)'ok'); done(); }); }); it('should return a new promise',function(done){ var d = D(); d.resolve('ok'); var p = d.promise.success(function(){ expect(p); done(); }).rethrow(); }); }); describe('promise.error',function(){ it('should have an alias method otherwise',function(){ var p = D().promise; expect(p)'otherwise'); expect(p.otherwise).to.equal(p.error); }); it('should be rejected with given reason',function(done){ var d = D(); d.reject('error'); d.promise.error(function(v){ expect(v)'error'); done(); }); }); it('should return a new promise',function(done){ var d = D(); d.reject('ok'); var p = d.promise.error(function(){ expect(p); done(); }).rethrow(); }); }); describe('promise.ensure',function(){ var p1 = D.fulfilled(1), p2 = D.rejected('error'); it('should be called when promise is resolved',function(done){ p1.ensure(done); }); it('should be called when promise is rejected',function(done){ p2.ensure(done); }); it('should return the same promise untouched',function(done){ var p = D.resolved('ok'); var p2 = p.ensure(function(){ p.tset = 1; expect(p); done(); }); }); it('should not change the resolution value',function(done){ D.resolved('ok') .ensure(function(){return 'nok';}) .success(function(v){ expect(v)'ok'); done(); }) ; }); it('should not change the rejection reason',function(done){ D.rejected('error') .ensure(function(){return 'nok';}) .error(function(v){ expect(v)'error'); done(); }) ; }); }); describe('promise.apply',function(){ it('should have an alias method spread',function(){ var p = D().promise; expect(p)'spread'); expect(p.spread).to.equal(p.apply); }); it('should call onFulfill callback with list of parameters instead of an array as single parameter if fulfilled with an array', function(done){ D.fulfilled([1,2,3]).apply(function(a,b,c){ expect(a); expect(b); expect(c); done(); }).rethrow(done); }); it('should call onFulfill callback with a single parameter if fulfilled value is not an array', function(done){ D.fulfilled(1).apply(function(a){ expect(a); done(); }).rethrow(done); }); }); describe('promise.rethrow',function(){ it("should rethrow the error even if onRejected callback doesn't throw an error",function(done){ D.rejected('error') .rethrow(function(){ return 1; }) .error(function(e){ expect(e)'error'); done(); }) ; }); it('without any parameter should rethrow the error to the ouside world at nextick (untestable)'); }); describe('promise.nodify',function(){ it('should call onFulfilled with empty first parameter (error) and other values as following parameters like apply',function(done){ D.resolved([1,2,3]).nodify(function(err,a,b,c){ expect(err); expect(a); expect(b); expect(c); done(); }).rethrow(done); }); it('should call onFulfilled with empty first parameter (error) and other single value as second parameter like apply',function(done){ D.resolved(4).nodify(function(err,a){ expect(err); expect(a); done(); }).rethrow(done); }); it('should call onRejected with the reason as first error parameter',function(done){ D.rejected('error').nodify(function(err){ expect(err)'error'); expect(arguments.length); done(); }).rethrow(done); }); }); describe('promise.isPending',function(){ var d1 = D(), d2 = D(); it('should return true when promise is pending',function(){ expect(d1.promise.isPending()); expect(d2.promise.isPending()); }); it('should return false when promise is resolved',function(done){ d1.resolve('ok').promise.success(function(){ expect(d1.promise.isPending()); done(); }); }); it('should return false when promise is rejected',function(done){ d2.reject('nok').promise.error(function(){ expect(d2.promise.isPending()); done(); }); }); }); describe('promise.getStatus',function(){ var d1 = D(), d2 = D(); it('should return 0 when promise is pending',function(){ expect(d1.promise.getStatus()); expect(d2.promise.getStatus()); }); it('should return 1 when promise is resolved',function(done){ d1.resolve('ok').promise.success(function(){ expect(d1.promise.getStatus()); done(); }); }); it('should return -1 when promise is rejected',function(done){ d2.reject('nok').promise.error(function(){ expect(d2.promise.getStatus()); done(); }); }); }); }); };